Hi! I’m Sam.
Here’s some info about me:
- I’m from Denver, CO
- I work at Particle Health as a backend engineer, trying to make medical records suck less.
- I live in the Bay Area now, but in the past I’ve lived in Samsun, Turkey; Chicago, Istanbul, and Paris, and Portland, OR.
- I studied statistics 📈 and Turkish 🇹🇷 at the University of Chicago, where I also worked as a research assistant with Dr. Rena Conti modeling the effect of hepatitis drugs on the market for donor organs
- In the past I worked for Cascade Data Labs in Portland and Graphika in New York City.
- Some of the cooler unpaid things I’ve done in the past include newspaper layout design and editing, ski patrol, and organizing the University of Chicago climbing club
- In my free time, I enjoy climbing 🧗, running 🏃♀️, skiing ⛷️, cooking 🍪, travelling ✈️, and learning new things 📚 (now including guitar 🎸, watercolors 🖌️, and foraging for mushrooms 🍄)
You can email me at sam at samhoffman dot me*, or you can find me in a variety of locations on the internet:
* or any word of your choice, like dogs at samhoffman dot me! Feel free to use a cool word, or whatever you want to talk about
I made this site with Jekyll.
As this is the first (and still only) website I’ve ever made, I welcome bug reports/comments/critiques and questions on Github.